
Anthropologica is the official journal of the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA). Anthropologica is peer-reviewed and publishes two issues per year (Spring and Fall), with innovative sections for theoretical, experimental, and practitioner-based scholarship in cultural anthropology.

Anthropologica’s mandate is to reflect the range of research carried out by Canadian Anglophone and Francophone anthropologists and to disseminate that research within Canada and internationally in both languages. Given that Canadian Anthropologists conduct research in any number of global communities, rural and urban, our current focus extends beyond the traditional coverage of Indigenous Peoples to include ethnographic research carried out anywhere in the world by cultural anthropologists. In this way, the journal provides a more inclusive representation of Canadian anthropology scholarship which encompasses global as well as Canadian issues. We also include ethnographic research from international scholars who conduct research in Canada or who are identified by the editors as having important contributions to make to Canadian readers and to the theory, method, and ethnography of the discipline.